Color By Numbers or as most know as paint by numbers. Another simple activity that develops a child’s hand control, and hopefully over time will teach them to color within the lines. I use different versions to teach adding, substracting, numbers, colors, etc.
There are so many different types out on the web, and for free! What also makes color by numbers so great is the ability to find worksheets ranging in complexity, or designed toward a theme or character your child likes.
My first goal was to get B to even like coloring. He would rather do ANYTHING versus color. So, I found a POKEMON color by number. I started with the first three I found at Simple Everyday Mom. They were super easy, and turned out great. Afterwards, I have been hunting for new and different Pokemon since!
I have links below of different Pokemon color by numbers that include some math (oh no!) versions. has a great variety of different types including Mario, Disney, Pokemon, etc.
Lastly, you want to create your own Color By Number??? Well, you need to check out the site: PBNify!!! You upload your own image, and follow a few simple steps. Afterwards, you come out with a paint/color by numbers!
What you need:
- Crayons, Color Pencils or Markers
- The Color By Number Worksheet
Pokemon Color By Number Resources:
- Simple Everyday Mom – 3 free printables: Pikachu, Charmander, & Bulbasaur
- – 3 free printables.
- Colored Squared – For more advanced coloring. Click through the site to see different options.
- Teachers Pay Teachers – 66 pages of Math versions and other Pokemon Color By Number Bundle for $2.40 + tax.